來(lái)源:本站原創(chuàng) 瀏覽 979 次 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-03-27
Low Environmental Impact Nonsilicone Defoamers for Use in Oil/Gas/Water
J. Rocker,A. Mahmoudkhani, L. Bava, R. Wilson (2011)
SPE Eastern Regional Meeting, 17–19 August 2011, Colombus, Ohio, USA
An Innovative Approach for Laboratory Evaluation of Defoamers for Oilfield Cementing Applications''''''''
A. Mahmoudkhani, L. Bava, B. Wilson
Society of Petroleum Engineers Conference Paper Brasil Offshore, 14-17 June 2011, Macaé, Brazil
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PVT, viscosity, and surface tension of ethanol: New measurements and literature data evaluation
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The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics, Volume 42, Issue 8, Pages 1039-1049
Droplet impact upon a wet surface with varied fluid and surface properties
Kuo-Long Pan , Chun-Yu Hung (2010)
Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Volume 352, Issue 1, Pages 186-193
Solubilization of endocrine disruptors in micellar media
O. Kosaka, S. Iida, P. Sehgal, H. Doe
Colloid & Polymer Science Volume 286, Number 5, 545-551
Nonylphenol - β-Estradiol - Cyclodextrin - Surfactant - Micelle
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Decreases in Surface Activities and Aquatic Toxicities of Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate and Alcohol Ethoxylates during Biodegradation
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Effects of Surface Activity on Aquatic Toxicity of Binary Surfactant Mixtures
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Large Decrease in Acute Aquatic Toxicity of Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate in Hard Water and Seawater by Adding Adsorbent
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Effects of Water Hardness and Existence of Adsorbent on Toxic Surface Tension of Surfactants for Aquatic Species
M. Oya, S. Orito, Y. Ishikawa, T. Iizuka (2007)
J. Oleo Sci., Vol. 56, 237-243
Interactions and influence of α-cyclodextrin on the aggregation and interfacial properties of mixtures of nonionic and zwitterionic surfactants
P. Sehgal, T. Mizuki, H. Doe, R. Wimmer, K Lambertsen Larsen, D. E. Otzen (2009)
Colloid & Polymer Science, Volume 287, Number 11, 1243-1252
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Interfacial and aggregation properties of the binary mixture of decanoyl- N -methyl-glucamide and hexadecyltriphenylphosphonium bromide
P. Sehgal, O. Kosaka, H. Doe (2008 )
Colloid & Polymer Science, Volume 286, Number 3, 275-282
DOI: 10.1007/s00396-007-1766-x
Interaction and Stability of Mixed Micelle and Monolayer of Nonionic and Cationic Surfactant Mixtures
P. Sehgala, O. Kosakaa, H. Doe D. E. Otzen (2009)
J. Disp. Sci. and Tech., Volume 30, Issue 7
DOI: 10.1080/01932690802598838
Aggregation of S6 in a quasi-native state by sub-micellar SDS
D. E. Otzena, L. W. Nesgaard, K. K. Andersen, J. H?eg Hansenb, G. Christiansen, H. Doe, P. Sehg (2008)
BBA - Proteins & Proteomics, Volume 1784, Issue 2, Pages 400-414
Mixed Monolayer and Micelle Formation of Cationic and Zwitterionic Surfactant of Identical Hydrocarbon Tail in an Aqueous Medium: Interfacial Tension, Fluorescence
Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, Volume 29, Issue 3, 2008
Pankaj Sehgala*, Hidekazu Doea, Reinhard Wimmerb, Reiji Tanakaa & Osamu Kosakaa
DOI: 10.1080/01932690701716028
Comparison of the Effects of an Ionic Liquid and Triethylbenzylammonium Chloride on the Properties of Electrospun Fibers, 1 – Poly(lactic acid)
J. M. Seo, G. K. Arumugam, S. Khan, P. A. Heiden (2008)
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